Loading bootloader and sketch onto ATmega32 Microcontroller

In a later post we will use the ATmega32 processor. In this post we will load the the third party MightyCore on the ATmega32.

What is a core?

Cores are necessary to make new microcontrollers compatible with your Arduino Software (IDE) and, possibly, the existing sketches and libraries. 


We will closely follow Burning Arduino Bootloader to Atmega 32A-PU Using Arduino As ISP

The steps we need to follow are:

  • Required Parts
  • Install Mighty Core as a Board Manager on Arduino IDE
  • Setting Your Arduino As ISP
  • Preparing Breadboard Circuit
  • Burning the Bootloader
  • Uploading a test sketch
    • File>Examples>AVR C code examples>Blink
    • alternatively, you can upload the std Arduino Blink example and connect to pin 13 (default in sketch)
Arduino IDE config for burning bootloader

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